A game of laser tag is a lot of fun. It involves lots of moving around, shooting, scoring, and laughing. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment-to-moment play of a match.
To ensure that the fun continues for everyone, there are some rules all players need to abide by. Only by following these rules can all players play in a fun, fair and safe environment.
Match Category: This laser tag tournament can be played by team groups of 2 or 3 players (required to be 5 years old and up) of any gender and physical fitness. Be careful choosing your team because your opponent maybe the Rambo's family ha, ha, ha... just kidding.
- 1. For friendly combat = The game starts when the players are at their base and get 4 lives as well after the countdown.
- 2. Lucky charms rules = The distributions of the lucky charms will be made after teams are in their base before the combat start. =Collecting lucky charms are only allowed when players are alive and during the combat. = Teams color lucky charms will be distributed on the middle of the battlefield as well in the opposite team area. But it is forbidden to go in to opposite team base line, touch or move the opposite team first-aid kit and safe box.
- 3. To ensure fun = Every time players are hit 4 times and lose all their lives, they need to leave the charms that they collected on the battlefield where players got her/his last hit before being revived.
- 4. Collect Aim Combat rule = It is not allowed to collect, touch or move the opposite team color lucky charms.
- 5. Every lucky charm that made back on the team base in to the safe box can’t be retaking from the opposite team.
- 6. Loses all the lives = Players can only be revived by pushing the first-aid kit at their base.
- 7. Level 2 rule = Once a player loses all the lives, he/she has to step aside while the remaining players carry on the game. When all the players of a team get tagged, then that team loses.
- 8. Additional devices = It is not allowed to move the position of the basic first aid kit or smart control point.
- 9. Capture the four leafed clover combat rule = Players are required to collect any color lucky charms that are in battlefield if they are alive as well keep all the lucky charms they collect during the combat until the end of the combat, even if they got hit 4 times and lost all their lives. Players can keep it the charms but not allowed to collect.
- 10. The team that collects the most lucky charms after the combat sessions (much like 75 minutes of match-time) wins the match and moves to the next match the other team is disqualified of the tournament.
To ensure fun, these rules need to be followed by everyone. Only by doing this can we make the event truly memorable! See you on the battlefield!